We have assembled a list that we hope will assist you in your travel preparations. This is a generalized checklist of some required and some suggested items to bring on your trip.
Trip duration: Approx 12 hours Trip type: By an air-conditioned vehicle Trip runs: 7 days a week Starting from: Alexandria Return to: Alexandria pick up time: According to Cruise Liners Schedules
$130 more detailsDolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, seddiam nonumy eirmod tempor. invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr.
$2,500 more detailsTestimonial
We are back home. The trip was great. Our tour guide Ece was very knowledgeable and had great personality; the hotel were wonderful, food was very good, we enjoyed our vacation a lot. And it did not rain much, just twice and we spent that time in the museums. We want to go to Egypt next year so I will contact you in advance. Thank you very much.
Victoria - DE USA
River Nile Cruises Packages
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